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eliMiNaTe project

​The eliMiNaTe project is a project that UNICEF and Kiwanis have teamed up together to eliminate Maternal Neonatal Tetanus (MNT). Maternal Neonatal Tetanus is found in spores in the ground, and is passed through unhygienic cutting of the umbilical cord. If a mother has this disease, she will pass it to all her children. If a child has this disease, he or she will be incredibly sensitive to light, sound, and touch, which means that the mother can't even hold her child in order to comfort him or her. This extreme sensitivity puts the baby in so much torture that its life expectancy is very short. MNT kills a baby every nine minutes. But we can do something! In just three doses, a mother can be immune to this disease. Each dose costs about $1.80, so three doses would be about $5.40. For just a little over five dollars, a mother and all her future children can be saved from this terrible disease. In just two years, MNT has already been eliminated in 13 countries. UNICEF's goal is to completely eliminate MNT by 2015.  

Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP)

Pediatric Trauma Program is a program that focuses on reducing the number of children injured or killed by trauma. Unintentional injury is the #1 killer of children under the age of 14 and kills more people than anything else, including disease, homicide, and suicide. These injuries cost society $157 billion annually, and 90% of them can be prevented! PTP money is used in various different ways:


   1. Grants to Partner Hospitals

          -funding to train doctors and nurses in advanced pediatric care

          -purchasing much-needed pediatric medical equipment


   2. Grants to Kiwanis Clubs

          -matching funds for projects such as Child Safety Fairs, Water Safety Awareness Events, etc.


   3. PTP Safety items

          -bike gear, electric outlet covers, safety books, child safety seat stickers, etc.

march of dimes

The March of Dimes Foundation is an organization that works to improve the health of mothers and their babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. They provide women of childbearing age, mothers, and other women information about baby health, pregnancy, and new motherhood as well as providing support and further information to families with babies affected by prematurity or other birth defects.

Thousand Oaks High School  | 2323 N. Moorpark Rd  | Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

Site Design:

Kathryn Koehler, Class of 2019

Summer 2016


Sarah Laufenberg, Class of 2019

2018-19 School Year 


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